Cocos Creator 3.4.2 Is Now Available
2022.03.09 by COCOS
Cocos Creator Version Updates

Download Cocos Creator 3.4.2 from the Cocos Dashboard.

We have greatly improved render data management and batching strategy for 2D renderable components in 3.4.1, however, these fundamental changes have caused some side effects in Tiledmap and Graphics components. Also, the performance of Spine and Dragonbones has had issues on Android browsers. All of these issues have been addressed in 3.4.2.

In addition, with active testing and feedback from the community, we also fixed some editor-related experience issues, such as memory leaks caused by script recompilation and lagging of resource copies when building iOS platforms for large projects. Thanks again to the community developers.

All users of v3.4.1 are invited to upgrade to v3.4.2 for better stability and development experience.

Check out the developer’s log at the Cocos forums for a complete list.

Important updates

1. Fix the memory leak caused by script reload. The editor no longer has constant memory growth during the script update.

2. Fix some editor build related issues

3. Improve the stability of the native platform

4. Use shared VertexBufferAccessor in Spine and DragonBones to improve the performance of the GPU commit buffer.

5. Fix some issues introduced by v3.4.1 refactoring.

6. Support JIT high-performance mode of future games on WeChat for iOS.

7. Add skyboxes to the default scenes created by the engine.