Cocos Celebrates Our 10th Anniversary
2020.11.30 by COCOS
Company News

Since the creation of Cocos2d-x on December 1, 2010, the world of mobile gaming has changed. For many in China and abroad, there have been significant changes directly coming from our work and the help of others in helping us build and simplify game creation.

Starting as a port of Cocos2d-iPhone, built by Ricardo Quesada, Cocos2d-x was known early on as the best cross-platform game engine for the mobile phone, sparking not only the dramatic changes in the Chinese game industry but the mobile industry around the world.

Walzer Wang and the team at Cocos Technologies built something amazing that brought thousands to the industry, with games built for millions of people, making billions of dollars for the industry.

All of this from a small city in China. Xiamen, known not only as a small island city in the Southeast but as the piano capital of the country. But now there are new reasons to show how amazing the city is, thanks to the work from the Cocos team and other game companies built in the city using the Cocos engine.

We all want to thank you for building your games and your dreams with Cocos. We are honored to share this video showing you the many faces of the people behind the engine and prepare you for our next 10 years of development excellence with our newest product, Cocos Creator 3.0, starting our next decade of work.

Enjoy the video, good luck, and build something incredible!

- Marketing Team at Cocos