We've been hammering out a lot more tutorials this year, thanks to our team here in Cocos and friends of the company. We really want to appreciate all the tutorials built by the community and try to add as many as we can from both Chinese and English groups.
You'll be happy to know many of the tutorials we built were extremely educational and helpful to developers, thanks to your comments and suggestions. We have our 2019 and 2020 tutorials (part one, part two) also available if you want more.
Video Tutorials
Introduction To Cocos Creator 3.0
Our Chinese Team built a series to discuss the multiple parts of Cocos Creator 3.0 compared to what you see in Cocos Creator 2.x and share what it does for developers new to the engine. It's in Chinese, but we've added subtitles to help you out.
The Beginners Guide To Cocos Creator 3.0
Happy to share a very detailed video tutorial from our evangelist team about using Cocos Creator 3.x, after our huge success with Cocos Creator 2.x last year. Here is the playlist.
Creating Cocos Creator 3.0 Extension
We take an intense dive into the step in building extensions for Cocos Creator. Text tutorials are also available in the description of the video.
Text Tutorials
Best Open Source Software for making your next game

We collected as much free and open-source software as possible to get you building a game with just the cost of your time.
Best Open-Source Software For Making Your Next Game
Building a Zelda 3D rendering style in Cocos Creator
Our team made a fascinating demo that shows off the power of Cocos Creator as well as described some of the techniques they used to build it.
Tutorial: Could you run Zelda's 3D rendering style in a mini-game?
Building an internal video player inside Cocos Creator

Many of our developers in China are working in the education field and have educational videos inside their apps. Luckily, one of them gave us a great tutorial on adding FFmpeg to their app, so you can too!
Building An Internal Video Player Based On FFmpeg For Cocos Creator
The How and Why to Hotfixes for your game

For many developers, they are ways to update your game or app without the requirement of downloading the whole file. We got a great tutorial on best practices for hotfixes in your app.
How Hotfixes Help Improve User Experience And How You Can Build Your Own
Texture Compression saves you memory

We were amazed when one developer could save tons of memory from compressing their graphics for their game. Luckily, they shared how in this small tutorial.
How One Operation Could Reduce Game Memory by 50%!
Exporting your Cocos Creator 2.x games to Android Studio

Some developers needed a step-by-step introduction on getting their game from Cocos Creator to Android. We were thrilled to help.
Tutorial: Cocos Creator Android Environment Configuration for Creator 2.x
Developer shares why TypeScript is great for game development

We already shared why we love TypeScript in another blog post. But one of the head developers at Tencent gave us a reason he loves TypeScript and shares a great introduction on why TypeScript is different from JavaScript.
Cocos Creator Resources

If you were looking for some examples for Cocos Creator 3.x and where our documentation is, here's a quick list we built out.
Cocos Creator resources, tutorials, and more!
3D Camera Follow and Rotation
A lot may have missed this due to our April Fool's Day joke, but this is one of the best tutorials on a camera following your character.
Tutorial: Cocos Creator 3.0: 3D camera follow and rotate
Cocos Creator Physics in 3D explained

Many people new to our engine are asking how 3D physics works with the Cocos Creator 3D capabilities. We were able to get our evangelists to share how this is possible.
Tutorial: Cocos Creator - Physics in 3D explained
Creating Extensions for Cocos Creator

One of the most powerful things about Cocos Creator is the ease to add and build extensions for our editor and engine. Here's an introduction to building your own.
Tutorial: A Deep Dive into Cocos Creator 3.0's Extension System
Multi-Resolution Adaptation in Cocos Creator

Not every phone will have the same resolution, so knowing how to prepare your game for the hundreds of phones is one of the most important things to know and understand.
Tutorial: Cocos Creator Multi-Resolution Adaptation
Building water reflections for your 3D Games in Cocos Creator

Creating realistic water in a 3D game isn't as tough as you think. One developer shared with us how it worked for him, giving you a starting point for yours.
Tutorial: Building Water Reflections For Your 3D Games in Cocos Creator
How To add npm resources into Cocos Creator 3.x
Cocos Creator supports CommonJS, allowing you to add npm modules into your game. Learn how it's done and what you need to do in this tutorial.
Tutorial: How To Flexibly Use The Huge Amount Of npm Resources In Cocos Creator 3.0
Additional Tutorials
Creating Voronoi Split Screen in Cocos2d-x by WerPlay
